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Akin Mental Health Fireside Chat

Join us for an informative and inspirational session with Andrea Avila, JD PhD, and Lauren Lang, MS. Andrea and Lauren are both advocates for Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs) and have complementary expertise in legal, advocacy, and recovery perspectives.

Lauren is an accomplished neuroscientist and advocate specializing in mental health and sexual violence and assault at Emory University. She is working with the Atlanta Behavioral Health Advocates and the Georgia Advocacy Office to get the word out about PADs, and she recently presented on the topic at the American Psychological Association. Andrea is a Licensed Psychologist (PhD), Licensed Attorney (JD), and Certified Forensic Evaluator who works at Oregon State Hospital and in private practice. She has made great contributions to both psychological and legal science and practice, as evidenced by her leadership at the American Psychology-Law Society meeting.

Psychiatric advance directives (PADs; i.e., mental health advance directives) are an exciting recent addition to legislation in a growing number of states. Like medical advance directives, PADs allow us to state our preferences for treatment and set boundaries about what we would not like if one day we are not afforded a voice. These become active if we are found to not be able to consent for ourselves, perhaps in an inpatient treatment facility. PADs give us a means to protect our autonomy.

Despite the incredible opportunity PADs give us in speaking up and forming a partnership with our providers, it can be very difficult to understand all the nuances to a document and to complete one on our own when we are also managing our mental health. There is immense power in education and having full knowledge and consent behind the documents we create and sign.

Family members are often involved either in helping a loved one learn about, complete, and share a PAD, and/or as an assigned “agent” if the PAD is activated. Family supporters can be critical to supported decision making while completing a PAD and advocating for their loved ones’ rights and preference. Collaborating on a PAD can be a key process and document for wellness and recovery planning and relapse prevention.

At this event, Andrea and Lauren will briefly present critical information about PADs and how and why to complete them, as well as legal, policy, and scientific considerations. The second half will be devoted to a respectful group discussion and Q&A so that participants can get the most out of Andrea and Lauren’s expertise and decide how to proceed for their own families.

August 4

American Psychological Association Conference

August 30

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Speaker Series